Friday, May 6, 2011

Hobo with a Shotgun

Hobo with a Shotgun: "Hobo with a Shotgun - Starring Rutger Hauer, Gregory Smith, Molly Dunsworth, Brian Downey and Nick Bateman - On Demand Everywhere April 1st and In Theatres May 6th"

Hobo with a shotgun was great, lots of pulpy violence, some good foreshadowing and an interesting variety of characters. It also uses lighting and color so well its another player in the film. Rutger Hauer uses all his skills, from psychological to emotional and brute force when necessary to deliver a powerful performance. As for the baddies, I had to say I love the two sons of "the Drake" the Best, Ivan and Slick who get's the Hobo's best lines in their first run-in, something about slicing things and rings from a cheap arcade bubble game you may have won and thrown away. Rest assured this movie, in keeping with our enlightened times, does not waste or throw anything away needlessly. Everything is in its place. How many times do you really get to say that about a movie?

Monday, March 7, 2011

And then there were none.....ep 16

Well, well, well, getting down to the brass tacks Supernatural fans. It looks like they have closed one arc to the story this season 6 of Supernatural by offing Grandpa Winchester and his little friend. I liked the mind control monster they used, but felt it was not really worth offing Rufus for it. It would have been nice to see him team up with Bobby and the 'boys for the last quarter of the season with some good old detective work.

I still think they are no closer to finding out how to kill "mother". Perhaps it will come back to the other alpha creatures, Sam and Dean may have to find a way to use them against her, or open up the box again and use the angels/devil or demons against her, what do you think SNtl fans? Maybe it will be Balthazar/Castiel's weapons against the beast.

As a budding film maker it was nice to watch how this episode was laid out, it feels like this one would have been doable with a minimal crew.